Employers need to be familiar with the different types of workplace discrimination claims so they can ensure they steer clear of workplace discrimination and any claims that go along with it. Employers can better protect themselves from claims of workplace discrimination if they are familiar with what is prohibited under employment law.
Types of workplace discrimination
Employers are prohibited from discriminating by refusing to hire; disciplining; firing; denying training; failing to promote; paying less; demoting; or harassing on the basis of:
- Age discrimination;
- Disability discrimination;
- Gender discrimination;
- National Origin discrimination;
- Pregnancy discrimination;
- Race discrimination;
- Religious discrimination; or
- Familial status discrimination.
Laws on workplace discrimination
There are many laws and regulations to be familiar with in the area of workplace discrimination. They include, but are not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA), the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the National Labor Relations Act and the Texas Payday Act. Additionally, employment contracts and non-compete agreements can also factor in.
What can businesses do?
Understanding what is considered workplace discrimination can help businesses avoid it and use the legal tools and resources available to them to help protect themselves from it. By implementing proper education and training, it can be avoided. This can include employee contracts, manuals, policies and procedures, training programs and education seminars to ensure compliance with workplace discrimination laws. In addition, legal protections are available to help defend against claims of employment discrimination. All of these legal resources and remedies are valuable information for businesses to have.